Initially, I had planned to start looking for a new job in January. My current position will have run its course once summer is in full swing. I thought it'd be a good idea to get a little head start on unemployment/summer vacation. For reasons outside my control, I haven't done anything besides reading job offers.
You might think that's nothing, but in my situation, that's not necessarily true. It's not so much that I haven't made up my mind, it's more that my mind is hanging loose, unfocused to the point that anything will get it excited. It's eagerly following French road signs.

I'm not ruling out opportunities outside science, but since I'm getting most ideas from scientific journals and a crystallography mailing list, I'm somewhat restricted at the moment in the breadth of choices. But already, geographically, anything seems to go. I have seen interesting offers in Germany, Switzerland, England, Sweden, and maybe even the US, if I read the offers indulgently.
For all the reading, I have to get started writing at some point, polishing my CV so I can be proud of it and writing a few cover letters fit to cover most scenarios. I guess I should also loquaciously summarize my research experience. With an approach like this, I might just be that my way is in the sciences.
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