Tuesday, June 16, 2009

change of pace

I've kept the posts flowing at a solid rate for more than half a year now. Must have started last September. Now things have suddenly slowed down, so much that they have almost come to a halt. The previous post, about my high-school reunion, was the only one in two weeks, and it was premeditated. I knew I would write about it before I stepped on the plane to Germany, and I had the first sentences in my head way before I actually took to the keyboard. Does that still count as blogging?

On the other hand, does it still count as blogging if you put down ten thousand words a month, like I did in May? With such an amount of writing, should I not direct myself towards more serious outlets? Shouldn't I wring creative juices from my brain and cook up plots and put characters to paper?

This won't happen here, but at least I've come to the realization that my posts are too long. While I haven't reached a state of daily epic like Willem Buiter yet, I've caught myself rambling too many times – and I envy those who manage to express thoughts crisply and concisely. Much work remains to be done for me, but this post, all of 217 words, is a first step.

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