Wednesday, November 30, 2005


It was exactly one year ago to this day that I defended my PhD. It's like a little birthday, in a way. I said good-bye to my lab, my home for five years - only to be welcomed in another lab. I'm a year older and supposed to be wiser. I'm not sure about the latter.

Instead of leading a purposeful life, I'm floating along serendipidously, following the strongest current one day and going against the tide the next, taking turns in a haphazard way, stopping here and there for no apparent reason, picking up jetsam and leaving my mark in the most random places.

If I was a college student, I'd be undecided. Maybe I should ditch the Ph.D. and stick a 'Senior, undecided' behind my name, eternalizing the glorious days when I was a student.

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