Tuesday, February 27, 2007


This afternoon in lab, a colleague asked me whether I was ambitious. Now there's an easy question. Of course I am. "Yes", I said. Her reply was immediate: "Ambitious of what?" I looked at her shell-shocked. What a way to start a conversation on a rainy afternoon, and that without getting a coffee first.

What am I ambitious of? It seems to me this is akin to asking for my plan of life. Honestly, I'd be a different person if I had found it. So I started yammering about trying to be the best I can in everything I attempt and living up to my own high standards, being true to myself (whatever this myself really means). She wasn't easily satisfied. "Are you ambitious of recognition?"

Dude, it's really hard. I try my best no to care about what others think about me – unless these are people I care about, and money or material things don't mean much to me. Let me just live my own life.

But of course that is not a satisfying answer either. Maybe my ambition could be finding out what I really want to get out of life. Wouldn't that be a fine thing to do in 2007?


Dee said...

I don't know what to say and I'm not often speechless
I don't like that question

Andreas Förster said...

I will pose another question next week. Another friend threw it at me. Everyone is trying to get at me these days. What's up with life? Where is it going?