Friday, November 28, 2008


This quick little post flows in the same vein like yesterday's, mainly because I forgot to make some of the points that were on my mind when I set out but inexplicably dissipated when it was time to put them into words. Radio 4 reminded me of some during their talk show this evening. The opinions of some of the guests cut through the ubiquitous rubbish with impressive clarity and sense. It's a safe bet to turn to the BBC if you're looking for nuggets of truth – though they might be well hidden.

The first point concerns VAT. I noticed this morning that Amazon won't ship my lens before 1 December, effectively delaying my purchase to have me benefit from the decreased rate. What Amazon advertised as a discount was just a scheme to trick buyers. I don't care. I wanted the lens and would have bought it for the higher price. As long as it gets here before Christmas, I'm happy. Of course, it would be even better if I could take it to Paris ten days hence.

What really bugs me about the VAT decrease is that it is generally being presented as a godsend for cash-strapped shoppers, a maneuver that will single-handedly jump-start the economy into an eternal boom. That's total bullshit. Walking through London's high streets, one is struck by endless sales. Last weekend, Marks and Spencer threw their merchandise at shoppers for 20% off, no matter what. Cars are apparently unsellable these days if they don't come with a gigantic discount, a full tank of gas and a weekend trip to Barcelona for two thrown in for free. I doubt anyone will even notice the two percent by which the lower VAT will decrease prices. Certainly no one will base any purchase on that.

As it is too late to continue this post if I want to stay on good terms with my friends, I have to stop here (and run out into the night). But rest assured that I carry more gripes in me, and that I'm eager to vent them. Stay tuned.

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